redefine Serve

At Redefine Church, we believe that we are called to be contributors, not consumers. We serve to further our mission; so that the broken would be redefined to the restored through Jesus Christ. We believe that there is a place for everyone to serve. Find out how you can serve at Redefine!

What is your passion?

Everyone has something that they are passionate about. Finding the best place for you to serve starts with asking yourself what you love to do most.

What is your Gift?

Each one of us have been blessed with specfic gifts and talents that we can use to serve! Taking a good look at what you are good at is an important step in finding the right area to serve.

Where do we need you?

Redefine Church has several areas available for you to serve. We have our Experience Team, Hospitality Team, Kids Team, Tech Team, Worship Team, and Outreach Team.

The sweet spot

The sweet spot is where your passions, your gifts, and the church's needs come together. Which team falls into the sweet spot? Let us know by clicking below on the team you think best fits you! By clicking the “I’m Interested” button, an email will be automatically sent to our Serve Team leaders, and we will connect with you shortly


Tell Us About You

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